HEAVY PACK – 50 Profiles

(1 customer review)


M Britt Heavy Pack is all about gain.  From a Duo Recto to Eddie’s 100w 3-channel to Merlin to Victor, these profiles try to cover your high gain needs, from hard rock to metal to chugga chugga goodness.  These 36 studio profiles and 14 d.i. profiles were mostly voiced with humbuckers and should be tweakable enough to get where you need to go tonally.  Some with done with my trusty 3P cab and some were done with traditional 412 cabs.  I enlisted some professional help dialing tones on some of these since it’s not my usual style of music, but who knows?  The more I play them the more I feel empowered! Ha.

Heavy Pack requires 3.0 firmware or newer and while most amps were profiled using my trusty 3rd Power cabinet, the new separation algorithms make it easier to get more great sounds by switching to your favorite cabs as well.

These clips were recorded into ProTools 10 using a Propellerhead Balance interface and a Tom Anderson Cobra with a Duncan JB bridge pickup and 59 neck pickup.

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1 review for HEAVY PACK – 50 Profiles

(1 customer review )
  1. Kevin Zipperer

    Your profiles sound just like the real amps! Thank you Mr. Britt for the awesome job you’ve done profiling all of these wonderful amps for the world! Kemper Amps should give you an award and free gear for demonstrating their product to the fullest potential. I got this pack on sale last year and have been enjoying them ever since. I have deleted most all profiles from my Kemper except yours.

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